Time: 19:00 (GMT+8), Friday, 11th March 2022
Zoom ID: 85652023554
Password: 2022
Introduction of the Speaker
Professor Sir Michael Brady FRS FREng FMedSci is Professor in the Department of Oncology, University of Oxford, having retired in 2010 as Professor in Information Engineering. Prior to this, he was Senior Research Scientist in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT. Until recently, he was Co-Director of the Oxford Cancer Imaging Centre, one of four national cancer imaging centres in the UK. Professor Sir Michael Brady is a Fellow of three premier UK academies: FRS, FREng, and FMedSci and Membre Etranger of the Académie des Sciences in France. He was awarded the IEE Faraday Medal in 2000, the IEEE Third Millennium Medal for the UK, the Henry Dale Prize by the Royal Institution in 2005, and the Whittle Medal by the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2010. Professor Brady was knighted in the New Year’s Honours List for 2003. He has been awarded nine honorary doctorates in the UK, France, and China. Professor Brady was Deputy Chairman of Oxford Instruments plc from 1994 to 2014 and is a founding Director of start-up companies including: Guidance Robotics (all divisions acquired: G4S, Matthews International, and Wärtsilä); Mirada Solutions (acquired by CTI 2003); Volpara Healthcare Technologies (mammographic image analysis: floated ASX); as well as numerous other companies.
Recently, there has been a great deal of interest and excitement about AI, much of it justified but also quite a lot of exaggeration and hype. I review the (60 years) history of AI, showing how it continues to evolve and change. I contrast laboratory demonstrations with the reality of deployment, including a number of examples from my own work in medical image analysis. Finally, I discuss the future of AI, in particular prospects and concerns about "general purpose AI" and outline a number of ethical concerns that have been raised.
Introduction of the Moderator
Dr. Yi Chang is the Dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence, Jilin University, China. He was a Technical Vice President at Huawei Research America, and a research director at Yahoo Research before that. His research interests include information retrieval, data mining, machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence. He has published more than 100 papers for premium conferences or journals, and he served as conference general chair for ACM WSDM'2018 and ACM SIGIR'2020. He was elected as an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2018, for his contributions to intelligent algorithms for search engines.